In 2016 the Giorgio Cini Foundation created a new space for music in Venice: the Squero Auditorium on the Island of San Giorgio Maggiore. An old boat repair workshop was transformed into a modern and evocative auditorium, thanks to the intervention of architects Cattaruzza and Millosevich and with contributions from the Interregional Authority for Public Works in Veneto, Trentino Alto Adige, Friuli Venezia Giulia, the Virginio Bruni Tedeschi Foundation, and the Enzo Hruby Foundation. The construction of the Squero Auditorium dates back to the mid-19th century. Its structure, a modern concert hall with 200 seats, was inspired by the great Venetian architecture, using the model of the Arsenal for its design, materials, and functional scheme, in comparison with the oldest customs warehouse on the island (the former Convitto) inspired, instead, by the Magazzini della Dogana della Salute. In front of the audience and behind the musicians, in fact, the glass walls, like natural scenes, provide an extraordinary view of the lagoon, offering the viewer the unique experience of a concert "on the waterside.”