A historical formation in the setting of Venetian choral music, the Cantori Veneziani is certainly one of the longest. Founded in 1975, already in the following year the members included more than a hundred choir singers, mostly young students attending schools in Venice and the surrounding area. The growing enthusiasm pushed Maestro Liani and his assistant Mara Bortolato to engage the choir in repertoire and ambitious projects. These were the years of recordings with RAI and BBC, of collaborations with the Biennale Musica and the Festival Città di Castello, of numerous trips abroad and recordings. The choir has always maintained a strong internal bond, so that even now, on special events, many of the "old" singers return to the ranks, almost as if to seal an indissoluble bond with the choir. In the current formation, directed by teacher Diana D'Alessio, the choir has taken new paths that see it engaged in the creation of complex contemporary compositions, some of which have been written expressly for the CANTORI VENEZIANI.
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