clavicémbalo, Rinaldo Alessandrini
Harpsichordist, organist and pianist, Rinaldo Alessandrini is one of the greatest exponents of ancient music on the international stage. His predilection for the Italian repertoire and his constant attention to the expressive characteristics of the Italian style of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries steer his approach and choices, both in his lead of Concerto Italiano, of which he is founder and director, and as a soloist or guest conductor.
Among the most remarkable productions he has directed are Teodora Handel, La Vergine dei dolori by Alessandro Scarlatti, many works by Vivaldi, including La Senna celebrating, the Four Seasons, the works of Olympics and Armida, the monumental reconstruction of the Vesperi Solenni for the Feast of the Assumption of the Virgin, Monteverdi's Vespers and the Brandenburg Concerts by Bach. It is worth noting his strong inclination for the works of Monteverdi, Mozart and Handel, which he directs frequently and passionately.
He is regularly invited by leading orchestras in Europe and the United States, but also in Melbourne and San Paulo; he also conducted at the La Scala in Milan, the Queen Elizabeth Hall, the Brussels Monaie, the Opera Liege and the Welsh National Opera. In 2017, Monteverdi's year, he led the Italian Concerto on tour in Australia, China and Japan, as well as in concerts in Europe and the United States.
Rinaldo Alessandrini was the resident director of the RIAS Kammerchor in Berlin for the 2015-2016 season and was appointed music director of the Purtimiro Baroque opera festival at the Rossini Theatre in Lugo di Romagna in 2016.
His discography, which has been receiving many awards for thirty years, coincides with that of Italian Concerto for many Italian composers but also some of the German school. He exclusively records for naïve.
In 2002 he received, with the Italian Concert, the Abbiati Award for his activity.