Cuarteto Noûs
Noûs (nùs) is an ancient Greek word whose meaning is ‘mind’, and thence ‘rationality’, but also ‘inspiration’ and ‘creativity’. Quartetto Noûs, formed in 2011, has established itself in a short time as one of the most interesting chamber music ensemble of its generation.
Its immersive performances are the result of a professional training where the Italian tradition and the most influencial European schools are combined. In 2014 Quartetto Noûs was selected to take part in the project ‘Le Dimore del Quartetto’ thanks to which it won a scholarship. During the same year it was awarded another important scholarship offered by the Foundatión Albeniz of Madrid. In 2015 the quartet was awarded the Piero Farulli Prize, given to the best emerging chamber music group in the current year, as part of the XXXIV Franco Abbiati Award, the most prestigious Italian music critics award. It received from La Fenice Theatre, Venice, the Arthur Rubinstein – Una Vita nella Musica 2015 Award …for establishing itself in a mere few years as one of the most promising Italian chamber music groups and for displaying, early in its career, its maturity of approach to the great string quartet literature; for seeking a reasoned and lasting interpretation of the masterpieces of the Classical-Romantic period and of the twentieth century, together with a determined and ongoing exploration of the contemporary music language.
In 2013 and 2017 it was quartet in residence at Festival Ticino Musica in Lugano.
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