órgano, Luca Scandali
Born in Ancona in 1965, he graduated in Organ and Organ Composition with the highest marks under the guidance of Patrizia Tarducci and in Harpsichord, always with the highest marks, at the Conservatory of Music "G. Rossini" in Pesaro where, subsequently, he obtained the diploma of Composition under the guidance of Mauro Ferrante. Of great importance, for his artistic training, were the lessons with Ton Koopman, Andrea Marcon, Luigi Ferdinando Tagliavini and Liuwe Tamminga. In 1992 he won the third prize at the International Organ Competition "City of Milan", and in 1994 the fourth prize at the International Organ Competition in Brugge (B). In 1998 he won the first prize at the prestigious International Organ Competition "Paul Hofhaimer" in Innsbruck (A), awarded only four times in its forty-year history. He has held masterclasses and specialization courses; he has performed in numerous and important festivals in Italy and abroad as a soloist, but also in various chamber and orchestral ensembles. He currently holds the chair of Organ and Organ Composition at the "F. Morlacchi" Music Conservatory of Perugia.
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