pianoforte, Ivan Krpan
Ivan Krpan was born in Zagreb in 1997. He began studying the piano at the age of 6 at the Blagoje Bersa Music School in Zagreb, under the tutelage of Renata Strojin Richter. From 2013, he has been studying piano with Ruben Dalibaltayan at the Music Academy in Zagreb. He has won several first prizes in national and international piano competitions: 1st prize in the EPTA International Piano Competition in Bruxelles in 2014, 1st prize in the International Piano Competition Young Virtuosi in Zagreb in 2014, 2nd prize in the International Danube Piano Competition in Ulm (Germany) in 2014 and 1st prize in the International Piano Competition in Enschede (The Netherlands). In 2015 he won the 4th prize in the 1st International Zhuhai Mozart Competition in Zhuhai (China). Recently he has won the annual Ivo Vuljević prize awarded by the Jeunesses Musicales Croatia to the best young musician in Croatia in 2015.
He won a special prize from the Dean of Zagreb's Music Academy in 2014.
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