soprano, Anaïs Constans
Native of Montauban, Anaïs Constans approached the singing path with Béatrice Viliare. She achieved her diploma at the CRR of Toulouse (Class of Jacques Schwarz), and in musicology in June, 2011. Since September 2011, she has been a trainee in the CNIPAL. She perfected her singing with Claudine Ducret, Jean Marc Bouget and Nino Pavlenichvili. In 2012, she saw her talents being rewarded by winning the 1st Prize in French Melody and the 2nd Prize Opera in the International Competition of Marmande other than the 3rd women’s Prize and the Public Prize of the International Competition of Toulouse, to mention just a few of the many she will receive in the following years. On stage, in operas, we appreciate her in particular in Orphée aux Enfers and La belle Hélène supervised by Jean-Christophe Keck, and in the Marseille's Opera in La chartreuse de Parmes by Sauguet under the conduction of Lawrence Foster and in Renée Auphan’s conduction in the Opera of Saint-Etienne in Lakmé (Miss Ellen) in Saint-Etienne supervised by Laurent Campellone, La vie Parisienne (Pauline) in Toulon. She will soon be starring in La Messe de Couronnement by Mozart, supervised by Laurence Equilbey, Miss Helen (Lakmé) in Marseille, Berta (Il Barbiere di Siviglia) at the Opéra de Paris (Bastille), La voix céleste (Don Carlos) in Bordeaux, supervised by d’Alain Lombard, and le Pâtre (Tannhaüser) in Monte Carlo.
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