Benedetta Bucci graduated with honors and special mention under the guidance of C. Giallombardo at the I.S.S.M. "Rinaldo Franci" in Siena. From 2013 to 2015 she attended the courses held by B. Giuranna at the "Walter Stauffer" Academy in Cremona. In 2013, she obtained the Diploma of Honour at the Accademia Musicale Chigiana in Siena as part of the specialization course held by B. Giuranna. She is the winner of First Prizes in various national competitions including the 32nd Review of Violist Students of Vittorio Veneto. She has given recitals in duo with piano and in 2015 she performed as a soloist in a series of concerts in Salzburg, one of these at the Solitär of the Mozarteum University, performing Rolla’s concert op. 3. Since 2015 she has been part of the "LGT Young Soloists" composed of talented young soloists of various nationalities, with whom she has been engaged in various tours in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Hong Kong, Singapore and China.