violín, Enrico Balboni
Enrico Balboni graduated with honors in violin and viola. He immediately began his concert career as a soloist and with famous chamber ensembles, performing in the most prestigious concert halls in Italy and abroad. He has played - as a soloist - the famous violin by Antonio Stradivari, "il Toscano", dated 1690, at the "Osaka Symphony Hall" and at the "Suntory Hall" in Tokyo. Since 2003 he plays as First Violin in the Orchestra of the "Gran Teatro La Fenice" in Venice - a role he has also played in the orchestras of Santa Cecilia (Rome), Radio Svizzera Italiana, the "A.Toscanini" Philharmonic (Parma) and the Arena di Verona. He was First Viola in the orchestras RAI di Torino, the Accademia di S. Cecilia in Rome, and the "Solisti Filarmonici Italiani". Since 1988 he has been Violist of the Amati Quartet and since 2007 First Violin Soloist of the Orchestra Symphonica Arturo Toscanini, conducted by L. Maazel, as well as of the OTO of Vicenza. He has held numerous master-classes in Italy and abroad. He is a member of the jury in numerous national and international competitions. Since 1984 he has been a professor of Principal Violin at the Conservatorio Pedrollo in Vicenza.
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