violín, Francesca Dego
Francesca Dego began studying the violin at the age of four under the guidance of her father, an amateur violinist. She graduated from the Conservatory of Milan in 2006 and studied with Salvatore Accardo at the Accademia Chigiana in Siena and at the Accademia Stauffer in Cremona. In 2010 she obtained a Master’s in performance at the Royal College of Music in London under the guidance of Itzhak Rashkovsky. In 2004 she met Shlomo Mintz who made a profound contribution to her artistic development. Her debut as a soloist took place at the age of seven in San Diego, constituting the beginning of a career that led her to play at the Sala Verdi of the Conservatory of Milan at the age of 15 and, together with Shlomo Mintz, with the Israel Sinfonietta Beer-Sheva at the Teatro dell'Opera in Tel Aviv at 16. She has played, among others, with Salvatore Accardo, Roger Norrington, Christopher Hogwood, Donato Renzetti, Gabriele Ferro, Bruno Giuranna, Gianluigi Gelmetti, Wayne Marshall, Antonio Meneses, Domenico Nordio, Xian Zhang. In 2010 she participated as a soloist in the Concerts for Life and Peace in Bethlehem and Jerusalem with the Italian Youth Orchestra conducted by Nicola Paszkowski, broadcast by RAI worldwide. On January 27th, 2014 she played as a soloist at the Auditorium Parco della Musica in Rome at the Concert I violini della Speranza (The violins of hope). On this occasion, for the first time in Italy, in the hands of the soloists and the Juni Orchestra di Santa Cecilia conducted by Joel Levi, twelve violins and one cello that survived the Shoah, each with its own dramatic history, were played together, found and restored by the Israeli violinmaker Amnon Weinstein. The event, under the aegis of the President of the Republic and the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, was broadcast live on RAI 5.