violonchelo, Giulia Attili
Giulia Attili was born in Rome in December 2000: at the age of seven she began studying the cello under the guidance of Giorgio Schultis. She has already performed in concert halls and theaters in Italy and abroad. She is the winner of national and international competitions, including: first prize at the TIM (International Music Tournament) in Paris in 2012, becoming, at 11, the youngest winner in the history of the competition. At 14, she won the first prize at the David Popper International Cello Competition in Hungary. She has attended masterclasses with many maestros, including Antonio Meneses, with whom she studied in Switzerland, and at prestigious musical institutions such as the Walter Stauffer Academy in Cremona and the Chigiana Academy, where she obtained 4 diplomas and was awarded a number of scholarships. She has been collaborating with the Musica con le Ali Association and had the honour of playing the famous 1682 "Chigiano" Stradivari cello.
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