cornamusa, Josè Angel Hevia
The renewed interest in bagpipes and folk music in general is due to him: Hevia, the international piper who invented the electronic bagpipes, comes to Venice for the traditional Christmas concert by Veneto Jazz at the Goldoni Theatre, as part of the "Dal Vivo" ("Live", n.d.t) festival, organized in collaboration with the Teatro Stabile del Veneto. Born in Villaviciosa in Spain and known by the general public for the song "Busindre Reel", the musician with bagpipes has achieved fame thanks to a television commercial for a well-known car company, selling more than two and a half million albums worldwide. When he was only 4, he began to approach the bagpipes thanks to the help of A. Fernandez, who taught him the traditional style. At the age of 19 he became the director of the bagpipes band of Villaviciosa. In 1998 he released his first album Tierra de nadie containing his most famous song "Busindre Reel". His love for music and, in particular, for bagpipes, led him to study and experiment until he invented the electric bagpipes, the Gaita midi, adapting such an ancient instrument to modern music. A very successful invention that has taken him around the world, participating in events, festivals, television programs. In this tour, he presents himself with a new band of bass, drums, percussion and keyboards, recently tested in the Spanish tour. Besides the leader Josè Angel Hevia (electronic bagpipes, gaita, flutes), there are Maria Josè Hevia (percussion), Roberto Jonata (keyboards, synths), Michele Lavarda (electric bass), Giulio Zanuso (drums).