Cuarteto Werther
The Werther Quartet, formed by Misia Jannoni Sebastianini (violin), Martina Santarone (viola), Simone Chiominto (cello) and Antonino Fiumara (piano), represents a pleasant novelty in the Italian chamber music scene. There are not many quartets with piano and this young ensemble, formed with the Trio di Parma at the Accademia di Fiesole and currently attending the Master at the Conservatory of Parma, has already had its first concert awards. Thanks to their talent and achievements, the Quartet caught the attention of Carlo Hruby, president of the Associazione Musica con le Ali (Music with Wings Association), who supports musical initiatives with particular attention to young musicians, has come to the attention of the audience. This collaboration, already at the end of the 2017/18 season, will provide them with many opportunities to perform in Italy and Europe.
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