director de orquesta, Tonino Battista
Among the most versatile directors of the international scene Tonino Battista dominates a vast repertoire, from baroque to contemporary electro-acoustic, passing through musical theatre and applied music. He has collaborated with the greatest performers and living composers, taking care of the first performance of many contemporary works. Pupil of Daniele Gatti for his futher studies in Orchestra Conducting, he specialized in the Conduction of Modern and Contemporary Repertoire with Peter Eötvös in Hungary and Holland. He attended numerous courses and seminars: with Leonard Bernstein for the orchestra conducting, with Karlheinz Stockhausen, Luigi Nono, Salvatore Sciarrino, Jesùs Villa-Rojo, Franco Donatoni and Coriùn Aharonian for the composition, with Sigfried Palm and Hans Deinzer for the chamber repertoire. He takes part in computer music courses at the Centre of Computational Sonology of the University of Padua with Alvise Vidolin and Sylviane Sapire. Conductor and founder of several ensembles (Artisanat Furieux Ensemble, Logos Ensemble, Veni Ensemble), on the occasion of a courses given by Peter Eötvös in Darmstadt in 1996, he conducted the Ensemble Modern in Frankfurt during the execution of the Mixtur by Stockhausen; after this performance he was acclaimed as an authoritative interpreter of the composer's music. He collaborates with Louis Andriessen and Steve Reich. In 1998 he was Composer in Residence at the Herrenhaus in Edenkoben, 2000 at the GRAME Institute in Lyon. He is the artistic director of the contemporary music seasons of the Parco della Musica in Rome.